Thursday, April 29, 2010

Set-up day introduction.

Today our Mom had the great idea to start a blog about our trip across Canada. So here we go! We don't know what we are doing but will learn along the way. Please stay tuned to our blog and find out where we are, where we've been and where we are going. Our trip will start around the 20th of May, 2010 and we won't be home until the end of September!! Can you believe they are doing this to us? Oh well I guess we will go along, can't stay home alone!


  1. Hi Skipper & Missy We look forward to hearing about your travels. We know you will have a wonderful trip!! Tell your Mom to be sure she gives you lots of treats for being such good sports about all this travel. Tell Dad not to hit too many bumps in the road or they may find "surprises" when they come back to check on you. Anyway - Safe travels and we hope to hear more about your plans.

  2. Hey Skip and Miss,
    We've never met but we are sure looking forward to eating, oops...meeting you.
    Travel safely,
    Fergus and Winston Brown

  3. Where are you guys?. Your mom sure is lazy! We are not getting any news! Are you stalled somewhere? We are looking forward to hearing more, as we understand our parents are thinking along the same lines..... but not as far east! Be sure to stop in Harbour Grace, Newfie to check on moms family home, which is now a B&B. Take some photos for our mom, ok?
    Weather is the pits here. Hope the sunshine is out where you are, especially for Skip, so he can go walk-a-bout. love
    Bookie and Salsi
